demand push inflation

demand push inflation

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "demand push inflation" в других словарях:

  • demand-pull inflation — demand′ pull infla′tion n. ecn bus inflation in which rising demand results in a rise in prices Compare cost push inflation • Etymology: 1955–60 …   From formal English to slang

  • Demand-pull inflation — Aggregate Demand increasing faster than production. Demand pull inflation is asserted to arise when aggregate demand in an economy outpaces aggregate supply. It involves inflation rising as real gross domestic product rises and unemployment falls …   Wikipedia

  • demand-pull inflation — A theory of inflation or price increases resulting from so called excess demand. Related: cost push inflation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * demand pull inflation demand pull inflation ➔ inflation * * * demand pull inflation UK US noun [U] …   Financial and business terms

  • demand-pull inflation — noun inflation caused by an increase in demand or in the supply of money • Hypernyms: ↑inflation, ↑rising prices * * * /di mand pool , mahnd / inflation in which rising demand results in a rise in prices. Also called buyers inflation. Cf. cost… …   Useful english dictionary

  • demand-pull inflation — /di mand pool , mahnd / inflation in which rising demand results in a rise in prices. Also called buyers inflation. Cf. cost push inflation. * * * …   Universalium

  • demand-pull inflation — A rise in prices caused by an excess of demand over supply in the economy as a whole. When the labour force and all resources are fully employed extra demand will only disappear as a result of rising prices. Compare cost push inflation …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • demand-pull inflation — /dəmænd ˌpʊl ɪnˈfleɪʃən / (say duhmand .pool in flayshuhn) noun Economics See inflation (def. 2b). Compare cost push inflation …  

  • cost-push inflation — inflation caused by rising prices, usually from increased raw material or labor costs that push up the costs of production. Related: demand pull inflation. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * cost push inflation cost push inflation ➔ inflation * …   Financial and business terms

  • cost-push inflation — inflation in which prices increase as a result of increased production costs, as labor and parts, even when demand remains the same. Cf. demand pull inflation. [1965 70] * * * …   Universalium

  • cost-push inflation — inflation in which prices increase as a result of increased production costs, as labor and parts, even when demand remains the same. Cf. demand pull inflation. [1965 70] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cost push inflation — is a type of inflation caused by substantial increases in the cost of important goods or services where no suitable alternative is available. A situation that has been often cited of this was the oil crisis of the 1970s, which some economists see …   Wikipedia

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